Journey Into The Human Mind with a “Columbus Doctor” Not Afraid To Tread New Ground… and Talk About It!
It’s been wisely said that we know more about the far side of the moon than we do about the human mind.
Much of the mystery, confusion and error comes from the mistaken supposition that the brain and the mind are one and the same thing. This is far from the case.
Some scientists have even disputed there is such a thing as a mind! It was, according to behaviorist B F Skinner, “a convenient fiction”. He never acknowledged the absurdity of his own mind coming to the conclusion there was no such thing as a mind! That’s about as stupid as science gets. Could Mozart have written a tune to prove there is no such thing as music!
Fortunately, the average person is smart enough to realize they do indeed have a mind. But not much control over it, apparently! Consider the words of The Bard (Shakespeare): “What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals!” [Hamlet Act 2, Scene 2]
Yet we screw up, argue, feel vile emotions, are violent, treacherous, twisted, dangerous, stupid and irrational in turn. Sometimes all these at once. And Shakespeare was good at portraying all that too!
Humans are, to say the least, a paradox or a study in contradiction. We have sublime powers of creativity and imagination, which got us down from the trees and able to write plays and score symphonies; build computers, cars, rockets, televisions and telescopes; steadily solve the mysteries of disease and aging; and we can express love like no other creature, with selfless ardour and ecstatic passion. Yet we seem unable to control our negative emotions or put a stop to our wild, destructive behavior, based on seemingly unavoidable lapses into irrational feelings and faulty reasoning powers.
Question #1: Do Any Of The Above Contradictions Apply To YOU?
Check out some of the following scenarios:
- Are you completely in control of your own mind, at all times?
- Do you ever experience disagreeable emotions that actually HURT?
- Do you consider yourself very bright (clever), yet do crazy things and wonder afterwards why you did it?
- Have you damaged your career, family or friendships by stupid, destructive words and actions?
- Have you done something you knew you should not and regretted the negative results afterwards?
- Have you missed big chances in life, because you were frightened to act?
- Do you feel deprived in the midst of plenty?
- Do you feel cold and unloved, even though everyone around is being warm and friendly?
- Have you tried to solve various problems in your life, but failed?
The answer to most of these questions (and a million others like them) would have to be YES! Otherwise you have another symptom of crazy mind: you are deluded or lying to yourself. We call it DENIAL!
The last question is one of the most important: we have all, at some time or another, tried to pull ourselves round, stop doing hurtful or silly things… and failed dismally. One thing does NOT seem to work and that’s just using willpower. It’s going to take more than just gritting your teeth and being VERY careful not to do crazy things.
These days people like to suppose that there is a pill for everything: a pill for depression, a pill for anxiety, a pill for unpleasant disempowering thoughts, a pill for anger, a pill to sleep… but pills and potions don’t work. As soon as they wear off you are back to where you started. Sometimes worse off than where you started, because most pills have unpleasant side-effects, that only add to the problem.
Lots of people don’t like taking pills—but they are in the SAME trap! They use alcohol (boozing), street drugs, over-eating, binge watching television, gym workouts, obsessive sex, computer gaming, or other distractions, to try to take their mind off not being happy.
Meditation is supposed to be good for us, to calm us. But making yourself think slow, relaxing thoughts doesn’t do much good, if life is unchanged as soon as you get to the end of a session. Have you ever tried meditating and then found yourself rushing to catch up with the neglected calls and messages, as soon as you are done?
Doesn’t make sense does it?
Same with affirmations: It’s no good kidding yourself “I’m happy and rich” when you know it’s not true. There is no “Law of Attraction”, it’s an acquired ability. But even if there was, why try to keep solving the money shortage. Isn’t that just going to attract poverty towards you?
Maybe you’ve been brave and tried psychotherapy, analysis, emotional freedom technique, EST, or other “New Age” psychologies. How did that go? Was your life transformed? If so, for how long, before the same old root problems surfaced again?
It’s a mess.
We need a whole new start, a new look at life, a new psychology and a fresh philosophy (and that means shredding religious dogmas too). Nothing in the past has really worked, has it? Look at the world around you: there’s your answer!
Thought Worms Defined
I’m Keith Scott-Mumby, a British-trained MD, now living in the USA. I care passionately about spiritual psychology and the “higher life”, meaning our spiritual life, over and above getting along in the world and making a mark.
I’ve looked at this problem of mind, thought and behaviors for many decades (actually, many lifetimes, if you believe in such things!)
I’ve got some answers—a lot of answers—which I’d like to share with you. But first let me define what I call “thought worms”. You’ve heard of earworms; those exasperating little snatches of tunes and phrases which enter your head and won’t go away. The more you think about them, to try and suppress them, the more they seem to get a grip inside your head!
Well, what I call thought worms are a bit like that too. Silly or destructive thoughts that keep coming around and around; ideas that hurt or crush you (the “inner critic” so-called); desires to do something you know you shouldn’t; emotions that are totally inappropriate to your surroundings, but they come anyway, and mess things up.
One of the worst traits that humans engage in is vicious and hurtful communications. It seems the majority of people believe they have an entitlement to lash out verbally, call people vile names and make abusive remarks. Often it’s the one who behaved badly, attacking the innocent or gentle-minded party!
If only we could get rid of these bad traits. The trouble is, we don’t know where they are coming from. The back of the mind, yes. But where, or perhaps WHY? It’s an effect we can liken to an iceberg model. Nine tenths of an iceberg is out of sight, under the surface, right?
We just see the bit that sticks up, in view. We experience the thought, the idea, the feeling or behavior, but where exactly it is coming from is hidden way below the surface. We can’t get at it, so we can’t pluck it out.
One thing I have discovered, for sure: if you get the real (true) reason for something mystifying and unwanted, it vanishes in a puff. What was once unpleasant and hurtful becomes amusing… and helpful, because we now understand. We call that the root experience.
Pluck it out and the thread dies, just like a weed with its roots ripped up. The plant dies.
So now we have another BIG question to ask:
Question #2: Is the human mind actually capable of solving the problems of the human mind?
The answer is a resounding YES. But subject to certain conditions.
- Just talking does not work. We tend to shy away from the painful source of trouble.
- We need fundamental changes, deep down, not surface whitewashing.
- For that we need a deep but elastic recall procedure. And here we are way ahead: current research from Harvard and Stamford has recently discovered that memory, at the point of access, is very soft and pliable. It can be altered, to give a better experience. I’m talking 21st century science here, not Freudian psychobabble!Punk Psychology® is right at the cutting edge.
- If the problem persists the explanation is NOT the truth. We know Punk Psychology® has found the ultimate cause when the problem vanishes, completely and forever. We call this the Deep-IS, a whole new layer, as opposed to Simple-IS, which is the surface layer most people are stuck in.
- It needs to be taught easily and be backed up by high quality study and learning methods: check. We are turning out pros here: heroes of the New Millennium!
6. It needs to be universal in application: check! (a fifteen-year-old boy was able to use one of my techniques to cure his school chum of a painful knee in just minutes!)
Yes, I have the answers. It’s under the banner of broader topic Supernoetics®. I call it Punk Psychology® for fun. But it has a serious side. It’s a healing and growth protocol that brings in a new range of insights into why people think and behave as they do, PLUS there are remedial or “change” techniques, that can alter how you experience life into something surprisingly warm and rich!
I’ve been collecting my research notes for over 30 years and, about 2 years ago, I published a book about it (Punk Psychology®). But now I have re-written the first half of that book, to make it more accessible to the layman. I think you’ll find it exciting, and easier to understand, with its stunning insights and brilliant models of the mind.
This is no academic psychology, where they are busy arguing about who said what and when, where thoughts are found, which parts of the brain is responsible for what emotion, and so on.
This is all about what works, how to make changes, how to TRANSFORM an individual and his or her experience of life! It’s more DOING and less TALKING. There is no examination, where you are asked what Freud said in his “Two Short Essays on Psychoanalysis” or whether Jung’s archetypes are valid models.
It’s all about fixing pain, stepping out of worry and concern, finding joy, blitzing fear and grief, gaining sufficient insight to where all your troubles are coming from that you can consign the lot to a mental and temporal “trashcan”.
And, if you want to go far enough, it’s finding out your past connections and where you came from, whether or not you “believe” in re-incarnation. Memory is just memory. You have to take what comes to the surface, otherwise the truth is denied and you won’t get better.
Example: I had a multi-millionaire once, with back pain problems. It all resolved running a “memory” of being eaten by a sabre-toothed tiger. Do I care if it was a hallucination? Does the client care (his back pain vanished forever)? Just realize that when we start talking about “the corridors of your mind”, there’s a lot of corridors down there! Some of them go a long way out and a long way back.
I repeat: you have to take what comes up; otherwise it will do you no good to explore your inner workings! There really is a lot of wisdom in the saying “The truth will set you free!”
It’s not scary and never dangerous. We know how to achieve quick and effective results. And NO, it’s not psychotherapy, which often makes things worse by repetition and solidification. It’s pastoral counseling and exploration of the nature of Being and experience.
The Nature Of Being Is Always Truth And Light; Love And Wisdom!
Here’s another, slightly different, example: a grown woman, allergic to eggs (food allergies were my clinical strong suit, remember). But she wasn’t really allergic to eggs. Yes, she had the wheal reaction on testing egg protein. But at the bottom of it all we found buried memories of her as a little child, being scolded and sometimes smacked by her father, making her eat eggs, which he had some kind of obsession about, apparently. No more egg “allergy”. She was free!
So, Time for Question #3! Do You Want To Learn The True Workings of The Mind and How To Free People?
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young."
~ Henry Ford
Whether you just learn how it can help YOU; how it can help FAMILY and FRIENDS; or whether you want to make a career of this, helping others, you need to start somewhere.
I’m looking for those impossible people, who want to work for a great PURPOSE, not just for a salary. People for whom the important goal in life is not to get rich, get laid, and acquire possessions and “stuff”. People who want to change the world. People who, when they are shown breakthrough ideas that will help enormous numbers of people, will join and put their shoulders to the wheel.
I’m looking for colleagues, NOT customers. A team, not a following. A movement but not a religion or cult. Or perhaps a union or alliance something like the mediaeval craftsmen guilds of England.
The lights are rapidly going out on planet Earth and there is much to do. The key word is DO. There’s too much fluff, pink thoughts, wishes and dreams, and not enough ACTION.
The world will not be saved by affirmations or positive thinking. It won’t change no matter how “mindful” you try to be. It’s no use waiting for angels and super-beings from higher dimensions to save us, as the New Agers like to believe. If there were any such that could help, they are not here. They’ve missed their cue.
I hesitate to say we’re on our own, but there: I said it! Nobody is going to figure this out but us…
Sitting around waiting for ancient astronauts to return, or Biblical prophecies to come true, gods and deities to arise and sweep all our troubles aside… I don’t think so. This is the time of Orwellian thought police (1984-style), mind control programs, orchestrated mass shootings, tasers, handcuffs, phoney justice, police state and devious electronic monitoring of citizens. It’s getting worse by the week.
A new law here in the USA allows the police to burst into your home and shoot you dead. They don’t have to explain. It’s legal…
Now the UK police and FBI are setting up monitoring programs that (it is claimed) can tell, by our words and actions online, which of us will sooner or later step out of line and therefore we become criminals-caught-early. (Crime, in this sense, means ONLY stepping out of line. You don’t have to hit or hurt anybody to commit this “crime”. You just have to not like the super-controlled society that is fast emerging globally).
Only the sheep will survive unscathed and I don’t want to be a sheep. I’m a thought leader, not an “ideal citizen” at all. I want the freedom to be, think, do and create whatever I want, without reference to behavior bots, droids and slave masters. I especially don’t want to be controlled by wealthy Techno creeps, who by virtue of their grabbing greedy nature, consider they are the superior denizens of Earth in our time.
The answer to advancing oppression by powerful and rich forces who want to own and control our entire planet, is resourceful action by clever individuals, who are united in common action and can unlock the cage doors and cut the chains, faster than they are being snapped shut.
That in turn comes back to a method. Wishing things were different is NOT a method. Talking about things is not a method. Transformation of individuals, one at a time, is a method. It’s the only method. Mass transformations are not. Trying to change people en masse is called politics and, in over 5,000 years, nothing has worked. Even the brief experiment with democracy for which Athens is famous (the Age of Pericles), lasted only about 150 years, before power was once again grabbed by the ruling elite families.
Religions too have been totally disastrous and killed uncountable people while claiming righteousness, glory and divine right. Churches, temples, mullahs and the priest-classes have been one of the most malign influences in all of human history—malaria and the Black Death not excluded!
We are parenting an important future. It’s definitely time to act.
What we need now is a workable science of transformation. It must take into account a better model of life and spirituality than exists. I’m talking about the non-material mind and Being model. We are NOT a brain. In fact we don’t even NEED a brain, to be aware and think independently. Senses like sight and hearing, even emotions, are NOT coming from the brain. Ask anyone who has been outside their body (OBEs). He or she can see just the same, or EVEN MORE BRIGHTLY AND CLEARLY! Words and sounds are distinctly heard. There are just tens of thousands of cases making this very clear, if you need studies and science of convince you of the nature of your own Being!
The time is clearly at hand. With that in mind, I present to you the NEW EDITION of my Punk Psychology® book!
It will take you through all you need to know, to be able to start getting sensational transformations in yourself and others.
PLUS there is a learning academy you can join, a series of helpful videos, that will considerably deepen your knowledge and understanding, while going at your own, comfortable pace.
There are planned monthly Q and Q calls, webinars and downloads of written additional materials. It’s a feast of knowledge. The important thing is to approach this as a fellow member, a participant, not a “customer”.
We are all in this together, remember! If life gets better for one of us, it gets better for the whole tribe!
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This is What Others Have Had To Say
“Listen, I can count on one hand the times that a new book comes out and I literally cannot wait to sit down and read it. Dr. Keith’s books are like that for me. It started with “Virtual Medicine” a few years ago, then “Diet Wise” then “Cancer Research Cures” then “Medicine Beyond.” And now his latest book “Punk Psychology®.” One is rarely entertained while learning about health-related things. But that is what invariably happens when I read his books – which are smart, a bit irreverent (life is too short for “stiff”) and humorous. Time just flies. I have loaned his books to my clients (they never bring them back - hmmm) and I have seen their eyes opened and their lives changed. His work on allergies is amazing (I have a whole new respect for the Pyrrole phenolic) and he’s probably a genius. Run to get his books, absorb them like a sponge. You and your clients will be the better for it.”
Catherine Cash
CashOrganics.comFrom one of the world’s greatest holistic healers:
Outrageously unconventional is a remarkable understatement for this superb common sense, sane, holistic, humanistic approach to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Although it suggests that anyone can suddenly start piloting--guiding--individuals towards healthy freedom from anger, anxiety, guilt and depression, this really is a manual for the experienced psychotherapist who wants to become profoundly successful in dealing with even the most challenging client. It gives advanced understanding of Past Life Therapy from this and all previous time. I think it should be taught in every graduate psychology program.
Norman Shealy MD
Pioneer in Holistic Medicine; Founder and CEO, National Institute of Holistic Medicine; author of over 300 articles and 25 booksHardly Ever Gives Compliments!
I have read material from many medical Scientists, some are full of shit, many are talented or knowledgeable, but you Doctor Keith I hold above all of them. Tell me what you think of that compliment, which I hardly ever give to anybody unless they are exceptional!
Ron de Gruchy
from AustraliaHis Work Is Superior, Advanced, More Knowledgeable…
Dr. Keith talks about the things that matter most to me (how to eliminate negative mental energy that causes us to disable ourselves to a higher or lesser degree) in the way I always wanted them presented: linked into the vast body of those historical sources who were the first to work in the area of the body-mind-spirit complex, following their track up to present time, pointing out what works and what not, and finally presenting a system that has evolved over the decades into a practical approach that absolutely hits the nail on the head. People are flying before they even board their plane when Dr. Keith's wife Vivien is driving them back to the airport after a few intense days of working with Supernoetics!
No matter what area of human life he is covering, if I compare his writings with things I have studied before and that covered the same area, his work is superior, advanced, more knowledgeable, more aware of ancient history as well as the most modern discoveries, and what's most important: applicable to anyone who has the fire of determination to clean up their past and become more themselves - to unlock and manifest their full personal potential.
Heidrun Beer
CopenhagenQuite Magical
Since I have been studying Punk Psychology®, I have found it quite astonishing and I have become more compassionate and less reactive to things.
I have better understanding of how life works and my consciousness has greatly expanded.
I find I have more creative potential. I have been able to help other people, particularly people who have been stuck, perhaps stuck in relationships, sad people have become happier. People with rotten relationships, I’ve improved them. Generally it has been quite magical.
For instance I worked with a gentleman who’s about 50 and his Mother had died about a year ago and he was still feeling really unhappy and he was having arguments with all his siblings. So feeling quite sorry for him self. After one session with him, he told me he had a particular shift. He then started to understand the view point of one of his sisters, who he had dramatic arguments with and he had been able to go half way to repairing that. That was all after just one Punk Psychology® session!
Carmela Arturi
Advanced Curator of Punk Psychology®Time To Commit!
You have probably grasped the important potential of the Punk Psychology® Movement by this stage. The first step is to grab some knowledge; get to grips with what’s what; adopt some new principles of mind; start absorbing the goodness!
Remember the old Chinese saying: A journey of one thousand miles starts with the first step!
The first step, unquestionably, is to get the book and dive in!
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